What Grade Level Is the Secret Garden

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Burnett's classic story of a disagreeable and self-centered little girl and her equally disagreeable invalid cousin is as real and wise and enthralling now as it was when it was first written over 75 years ago. The strength of her characterizations pulls readers into the story, and the depth inherent in the seemingly simple plot continues to mak
A ten-year-old orphan comes to live in a lonely house on the Yorkshire moors where she discovers an invalid cousin and the mysteries of a locked garden.Burnett's classic story of a disagreeable and self-centered little girl and her equally disagreeable invalid cousin is as real and wise and enthralling now as it was when it was first written over 75 years ago. The strength of her characterizations pulls readers into the story, and the depth inherent in the seemingly simple plot continues to make this sometimes forgotten story as vital to the maturation of young readers as Tom Sawyer and Little Women. Hague's illustrations enhance the story beautifully, capturing as they do, both the old-fashioned and timeless quality of the tale. The charm, clarity, and muted tones of Hague's paintings add dimension to each part of the tale. A reissue of an old classic to be treasured by a new generation of children (and their parents)!

A questo punto i pensieri negativi e tristi che l'avevano oppressa avvelenandole il sa "La sua mente annoiata e piena solo di superbia e orgoglio cominciò a poco a poco a osservare e vedere che nel mondo esistevano anche i pettirossi, casette piene di bambini che scorrazzavano nella brughiera allegramente anche se non erano ricchi - e forse ancora di più per questo - vecchi giardinieri brontoloni ma interessanti, e poi... La primavera, il giardino che ricominciava a vivere, Dickon e i suoi amici.
A questo punto i pensieri negativi e tristi che l'avevano oppressa avvelenandole il sangue, fegato e stomaco, se n'erano andati a poco a poco: non c'era più posto per loro!"
"Il giardino segreto" è come un inno alla bellezza della natura, alla speranza e alla gioia di vivere. I ragazzi della storia possono finalmente rinascere grazie alla passione e alla gioia che i fiori e la natura hanno fatto nascere in loro. Dei ragazzi che passano da un'esistenza triste e grigia a vivere qualcosa di straordinario.
Mentre leggi questo libro ti immergi completamente in un mondo fatto di fiori, colori, animaletti, amicizia e voglia di vivere. E ti rendi conto che in questa storia non è il giardino l'unico a rinascere, ma lo fanno anche i bambini.
Un libro che ti dice che non è mai troppo tardi, che si fa leggere tutto d'un fiato e che ti emoziona.
La scrittura è molto fluida e piuttosto semplice (cosa che ritengo giusta, visto il pubblico al quale è indirizzato). Tuttavia, anche se si tratta di un libro per ragazzi, credo possa essere apprezzato da chiunque, anche dai più grandi.
Mi è piaciuto molto e l'ho trovato come una dolce ventata d'aria fresca (un po' come quelle che i personaggi sentono sul viso quando si trovano nella bellissima brughiera).

Author: Jan Carr
Year: 1993
ISBN: 9780590471725
Type: Book
Genre: Fiction, Nature
Length/Pages & Reading Level: 104 pages, Ages 9-12
Publisher/Studio name: Scholastic, Incorporated
Annotation/Teaser: Dealing with change and a secret, a garden, a key, an epidemic of cholera, a boy in a hidden bedroom will unfold a triumph of victory and happiness.
Mary Lennox is about nine years old, she lives in India with her parents but is always ignored by them; always having the servant
Author: Jan Carr
Year: 1993
ISBN: 9780590471725
Type: Book
Genre: Fiction, Nature
Length/Pages & Reading Level: 104 pages, Ages 9-12
Publisher/Studio name: Scholastic, Incorporated
Annotation/Teaser: Dealing with change and a secret, a garden, a key, an epidemic of cholera, a boy in a hidden bedroom will unfold a triumph of victory and happiness.
Mary Lennox is about nine years old, she lives in India with her parents but is always ignored by them; always having the servants attend to her. One morning Mary awakens but the servant by her bed is not her Ayah. An epidemic of cholera was spreading very fast leaving no one left to look after Mary. Orphan, with no father or mother, Mary is sent to live with her Uncle, Archibald Craven, whose very large and old estate is at the edge of a moor in Yorkshire, England. Taking her journey miles away from India, Mary will discover a new way of living; and will unfold the secrets in her uncle's state. Mary discovers the secret garden's key, which has been locked for 10 years. She follows the noise and to her surprise finds a small sick boy her age, living in a hidden bedroom. Soon they make their way to the gardens for fresh air and she shares the secret garden, the first time he's been outdoors in years.
Colin spends every day in the garden, becoming stronger, learning how to walk and exercising. When Colin's father returns from his journey, he finds the door of the secret garden unlocked and is shocked to not only see the garden in full bloom, the children in it, but his son running and looking like a normal kid.
I saw the movie when I was a young tween, I never read the book, finding a copy at the public library, I was able to capture all the vivid characters with very descriptive information for each character, the garden, the similarities between Mary and Colin, the places Mr. Archibald Craven went to get away and forget about his situation and the loss of his late wife in the last ten years. I could feel many emotions while reading the book, especially when both Mary and Colin did not have the attention from their parents. The book teaches self image as both Mary and Colin struggle on their appearance fear, love, and magic. The book teaches the reader not to give up and always help someone in need. Finding a means to being happy and live a long time

The story follows a recently orphaned child, Mary Lennox, from her home in India to her uncle's home in England, Mistlewaith Manor. She is left in the care of her uncle's servants, her time occupied by playing by herself in the gardens of the manor.
Mary becomes enchanted by the mystery of the secret garden, and w
I found this book as I was going through bins of my childhood things. It's been years since I've read my copy, and I couldn't wait to relive the magic I felt while reading it as a child.The story follows a recently orphaned child, Mary Lennox, from her home in India to her uncle's home in England, Mistlewaith Manor. She is left in the care of her uncle's servants, her time occupied by playing by herself in the gardens of the manor.
Mary becomes enchanted by the mystery of the secret garden, and with the help of a few friends, she eventually finds herself at home at Mistlewaith Manor.

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What Grade Level Is the Secret Garden
Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2766376-the-secret-garden
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