Addition of Two Continuous Periodic Functions is Continuous and Periodic
A real function is said to be periodic if there exists a real number so that
for all
. The number
is said to be aperiod of the function. The most familiar examples of periodic functions are the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent.
Note that if is a period of a function, then
are also periods. If a periodic function is continuous and nonconstant, then it has a least period, and all other periods are positive integer multiples of the least period.
There are discontinuous periodic functions that have no least period. The most famous example is theDirichlet function, defined by if
is rational,
is irrational. Every positive rational number is a period of the Dirichlet function, so there is no least period.
Sums of periodic functions are often periodic
The sum of two periodic functions is often periodic, but not always. Suppose that is periodic with least period
, and
is periodic with least period
. If
have a common multiple
, then
is periodic with period
. However,
is not necessarily the least period of
. To give an extreme example,
has no least period.
Some readers may have heard of biorhythm theory, which was popular in the 1970s. The theory claims that humans are influenced by three fundamental cycles: a physical cycle of 23 days, an emotional cycle of 28 days, and an intellectual cycle of 33 days. These cycles are usually modeled as sine waves that start on one's day of birth. We might suppose that a person's happiness on day x is the sum of these three cycles.
The figure shows a portion of the graph of this function. It appears to be quite irregular but in fact it repeats every 21,252 days, since 21,252 is the least common multiple of 23, 28, and 33. (View this graph on Desmos.)
Sums of periodic functions are not always periodic
If the periods of two periodic functions do not have a common multiple, then their sum is not periodic. Perhaps the simplest example is, whose terms have least periods 2π and 2 respectively.
Polynomials are finite sums of periodic functions
Sums of periodic functions can be peculiar indeed. In fact, we can prove the following astonishing theorem: If is a polynomial function of a real variable, and the degree of
, then
is the sum of
periodic functions.
It is clear that a non-constant polynomial cannot be expressed as a finite sum ofcontinuous periodic functions, since a continuous periodic function is bounded, and a finite sum of bounded functions is bounded. In fact, it can be shown that an unbounded continuous function cannot be expressed as a finite sum of Lebesgue measurable periodic functions. Consequently, we will need to use the Axiom of Choice.
R as a vector space over Q
The statement that every vector space has a basis is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. Since is a vector space over
, there is a subset
, called a Hamel basis, so that every real number can be written uniquely as a finite linear combination of elements of A with rational coefficients.
For each , we write
is rational and
is finite for every
Periodicity of (x,a)
It is readily seen that for all
and all
. Moreover
for distinct
. It follows that
for all
and distinct
. In other words, the function
is periodic with period
for any
The identity function is the sum of two periodic functions
Choose two distinct elements . Then
Let and
Then has period d,
has period c, and
is the identity function.
x^2 is the sum of three periodic functions
Note that. Choose three distinct elements
. The term
has period
, unless
. Since no term involves all three of
, it follows that each term has a period of either
, or
Let be the sum of all terms which have period
; let
be the sum of all terms which have period
but not
; and let
be the sum of all terms which do not have period
. Such terms must have period
. More specifically,
Then is a representation of
as the sum of three periodic functions.
A polynomial of degree n is the sum of n+1 periodic functions
Let P be a polynomial of degree n. Using the identity we can express P(x) as a linear combination of products
. Each term involves at most n distinct elements of A.
Let be
distinct elements of A. No product
in the expansion can involve ALL of
. Therefore, we can group the terms into
, so that no term in
Thus, we have , and each
has period
. QED.
A polynomial of degree n cannot be written as the sum of n periodic functions
Suppose that for some n, there is a polynomial P of degree n which is the sum of n periodic functions. Let p be one of the periods. Then is a polynomial of degree
, and it is also the sum of
periodic functions, since one of the terms cancels. By repeating this, we eventually obtain a polynomial of degree 1 that is the sum of 1 periodic function. But this is absurd.
e^x is not the sum of periodic functions
Suppose that is the sum of n periodic functions. Let p be one of the periods. Then
is the sum of
periodic functions, since the term with period p cancels out. But
is a constant multiple of
, so we conclude that
is the sum of
periodic functions. By repeating this, we find that
is the sum of 1 periodic function. But this is absurd.
Stefano Mortola and Roberto Peirone, The Sum of Periodic Functions, Topology Atlas Document # vaaa-21
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